

Potter 5, originally uploaded by spcummings.


Dan said...

Hopefully, he's casting a spell over to your "insert" key that will enable your operating system to query "Are you sure you want to do that?" when you hit the button by mistake.

Pat said...

The saga continues - I like how the Zen report on your main blog matches up with the picture series on this one.

Somewhat unrelated - not sure how far you are in LoZ on Wii but as you may remember (and Dan knows well) there was some atrocious translation in the original capped off with something like "One who does not has Triforce cannot enter". (Dan remembers exactly) I'm wondering if that remains in the updated version.

Dan said...

It is that, exactly. The warning if you try to go into the final level without all of the "triforce" whatevers.

If it remains in, it would be out of true love of the game.

I remember the battery or whatever it was in my LoZ game wearing out. It wouldn't save your game. You basically had one, bleary-eyed monster session in which to solve it, or nothing.

Stephen Cummings said...

Thanks, guys.

I'm about to get to the end of LoZ, so I'll try to see if I can trigger the same message. I'll probably take a picture of it.

The nice thing about the Wii is that saving is no longer the heartbreaking experience it used to be. I also have the new "Twilight Princess" Zelda, which is a gorgeous game.

Dan said...

Sounds like it's right up Mighty Tom's alley.