

Peanut can


Pat said...

Because it's well known that golfers LOVE peanuts.

Stephen Cummings said...

It's the masculine nut can.

Seriously, do golfers eat peanuts? And if they did, would they have such a honed preference? Do golfers get swayed by the name "Golfer's Choice"?

It gets more bizarre, the more you think about it.

Stephen Cummings said...

It's the masculine nut can.

Seriously, do golfers eat peanuts? And if they did, would they have such a honed preference? Do golfers get swayed by the name "Golfer's Choice"?

It gets more bizarre, the more you think about it.

Pat said...

In the picture you see:

andcooked virgin
the golfers

That pretty much sums it up for me.

Tiny Oak (Caviglia) said...

Hear, hear.