

Morning delivery, originally uploaded by spcummings.


Dan said...

How can Twinkies still be in business? When was the last time you ate a Twinkie? When was the last time you even SAW someone eat a Twinkie? Or heard of somebody choosing a Twinkie over a Hostess Cupcake? It's one of those things that you can't imagine anyone buying, but will just kind of always be there, kind of like Big League Chew or orange pop.

Stephen Cummings said...

My thoughts exaclty, hence the photo. I suspect there is a group of people out there, a Twinkie-eating population, that does eat the stuff. Personally, I ate my last Twinkie when I was 10. Remember being able to burn suger and carbs like a brick oven?

Incidentally, I did see a half-eaten Zinger in the nurses' station this morning at work. Vending machine customers, often desparate medical staff, do eat these things occasionally.

Pat said...

People must be eating them as scary as that seems.

I'm sure I've eaten once since I was ten. Maybe not much more recently, but certainly more recently than that.

I'd eat one now, if someone gave it to me.