

Change dish, originally uploaded by spcummings.

The weekend apartment purge and overhaul is nearly complete. (I've been admonished to explain, it was not my idea to do any cleaning at all).

One of the best things about such a project is the change that is recovered in boxes, pockets and just about any surface. I think I've recovered about forty dollars just lying around.

The books were the worst. My God, I did not realize we'd collected so many. We tend not to sell off, trade or donate books, but maybe we should. Seventeen years of books, collected through undergraduate and grad schools, as well as gifts received and books purchased for pleasure, now line the walls and the floor in the bedroom. We have five bins with no place to put them. Some of the textbooks are over a decade old and not worth much. The worst offense I've committed is holding on to just about anything bound I acquired in Japan, including japanese-language magazines and paperbacks. It's unlikely I'll be reading unless I plunge back into a full-time japanese language course.


Pat said...

I have a similar glass jar that I fill with change - last year I redeemed a full jar for $120 or so.

Dan said...

I'm a BIG proponent of not hanging onto books; particularly works of fiction - with just a few notable exceptions.

Getting rid of old college textbooks is surprisingly hard, considering how rarely we cracked them even when we were in the classes.

C.F. Bear said...

Makes me think of the George Harrison song titled "I Got My Mind Set On You". The line from that song that says,"...a whole lot of spending money!"